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"It's about being better than last time."

At Tilley Show Stables our training program is designed to manage you and your equine partner's weekly and monthly schedules dependent on your individual goals. When you join our team , regardless of whether your horse is in Half or Full Training, we will manage the day to day routine of your horse. All horses are daily rotated through paddocks and hot walker. Horses receive their grain and supplements every evening and if your horse has special needs we will cater to those as well. The program you choose simply depends on how many rides or lessons you would like to have per week. Young horses and competition horses often are in Full Training where as pleasure horses or older horses often are in Half Training. To board at our facility it is required for you to pick one of the packages we offer. We also give trailer in lessons at a single lesson rate as our time permits and give single lessons on schooling horses for a limited amount of students.

Full Training includes 4-5 contacts per week.

Half Training includes 3 training contacts per week

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